Monday, December 17, 2007

The Mitt & The Romney

Please watch this 2 minute, 34 second clip of Mitt Romney on Meet the Press yesterday, December 16, 2007. The event that I would like you to focus on occurs at 1:41.

To be fair, I didn't have much respect for Mitt Romney before I watched his Meet the Press appearance yesterday. He has always seemed to me to be a very contrived, disingenuous, and calculating person, who will do and say anything to win the presidency. Or, to put it bluntly, I wouldn't trust him with my lunch money, let alone the country. But his response above to Tim Russert's question about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints' past racial discretions solidified it -- this man disgusts me, and he is trying to play me for a fool.

Dear Mr. Romney:

My name is Steve Schultz, and I live in New York State. Please do not insult me by laying on some cockamamie story about you "weeping" on the side of the road in Boston when you were 31 years old and in law school, for I have a brain. And besides, us New Yorkers can spot disingenuous, cockamamie stories 1,000 miles away -- and you can thank your friend, Hillary Clinton, for that.


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