Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More Perfect

So I woke up today, walked outside, and what I found was amazing. The sky was not in pieces on the ground. In fact, it was perfectly in tact and right where I left it. Go figure. I guess health care reform becoming law didn't cause the sky to fall, after all.

But I'm glad it's over. I'm glad it's over because I'm sick of the complaining and whining. I'm sick of hearing the complaints of the people who have no earthy idea what they're talking about. I'm sick of hearing the complaints of the people who didn't say a word about government spending when President Bush was in the White House, only to suddenly become concerned on January 20, 2009. I'm sick of hearing the complaints of people who have no other ideas. I'm sick of hearing the complaints of people who don't even properly understand the definition of "socialism." And I'm sick of the complaints of the people who think that the American public always knows what's best for them, because they don't. If they did, there's a possibility my friend Dwayne and I would still have to use separate bathrooms.

But despite how mad hearing them talk may make me, I'm not going to sit here and argue the points with them. And I'm not going to walk onto the floor of the House of Representatives and yell, "You lie!" or "Baby killer!" And I'm certainly not going to call congressional offices and make violent threats against members of congress who did not vote the way that I would've liked them to (as is now happening). I won't do these things for two main reasons:

First, you never argue with a drunk or a fool.

And second, I know that given enough time social conservatives will lose every time. That's what happens when you try to apply yesterday's thinking to today's problems.

Perfect? Not even close. But rather, more perfect.