Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Open House

So, Christmas has come and gone, and New Year's Eve is just days away. Soon 2007 will be behind us, and we will all be on to (hopefully) bigger and better things. As per usual, many of us will be making our regular new year's resolutions: exercise, lose weight, spend less money, get a better job, give money to charity, break up with significant other, buy a copy of Steve Schultz's debut album, 'A Thin Line.' These are all noble causes.

Many New Yorkers feel that Gov. Eliot Spitzer needs to make some serious new year's resolutions for 2008 -- mainly small changes, such as actually listening to the citizens of the state or not allowing his staff to spy on the Senate Majority Leader. It is true that Gov. Spitzer has had a tumultuous first year in office, but maybe he will be opening his doors wider to the people's opinions in 2008. Well, maybe that's a bit too optimistic. But, he at least will be opening his doors on New Year's Day.

On January 1, 2008, from 9:30AM - 11AM, Gov. Spitzer and his wife will be hosting a traditional open house at the Executive Mansion in Albany. Any New Yorker interested in attending this event can click here to register by noon on Friday, December 28 -- you will be notified if you have been selected for tickets shortly after the deadline. Every person selected to attend is allowed to bring a guest.

I will not be registering for tickets, because 9:30AM on New Year's Day is way too early. But if I were to go, I would invite Lou Dobbs and make sure to bring my video camera.

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