Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Tuesday 2008

Now that the New York Giants have won Super Bowl XLII, we can all get prepared for the real contest: Super Tuesday 2008. I can't wait. 24 states will be having primary contests, and thousands of delegates are up for grabs. Grab the popcorn.

And as we're now on the eve of what some people are calling Super Duper Tuesday, here are some thoughts:

  • John McCain has a lot of momentum going into Super Tuesday, thanks to his Florida win, and the endorsements of Rudy Giuliani and Arnold Schwarzenegger, and I think this will allow him to win the New York Republican primary.
  • Mitt Romney will struggle to gain delegates, but Mike Huckabee and Romney will split the evangelical vote, allowing John McCain to win most of tomorrow's contests.
  • Ron Paul will not have a showing that reflects his campaign donations.
  • The Democratic primaries are totally up for grabs -- including New York. Barack Obama's supporters are extremely motivated, and it's important to note that a lot of his support comes from "unlikely voters," who are not normally included in major media polls.
  • I could be wrong about all of this. There are a lot of people who will tell you that one candidate or the other will be the nominee for their party, and they do it with absolute certainty. These people are deluded, and should not, under any circumstances, be believed. (And just so we're clear, I'm not talking about campaign workers trying to rally the troops -- I'm talking about the people who think you're stupid for not knowing, like they do, who is going to win.)
Tune into Mix 97.7 this morning at 7:30AM to listen to "Observations from the Center" blogger Tom Kraft and I discuss Super Tuesday on the Morning Mix with Bob Miller.


Anonymous said...

I don't think NY is "up for grabs" since Hillary has an insurmountable lead. Remember,Zogby has been wrong throughout. Last time I looked(this morning) every other poll showed 7-14% in Clinton's favor.

Anonymous said...

No lead is insurmountable in this primary season.

DutchessPreserver said...

Nothing could be better than to see Shrillary end up with less delegates from New York than Obama.

Shrillary scares me - Obama inspires me.

Yes we can - just like the Giants can and did.

Anonymous said...

Tonights polls have Hillary up 18 and 19% in NYS so keep dreaming. That's a pretty insurmountable margin. And sports analogies are indicative of low intelligence. I'd rather have health care for everyone.