Friday, February 29, 2008

The Disappearing Prince

I realize that this topic is well outside the scope of this blog, but I just can't help commenting on it:

Three cheers to the British government for absolutely playing the media. If you haven't heard, the "breaking news" at all of the prominent news agencies last night and today is that Prince Harry, the son of the late Princess Diana and third in line for the British throne, has been serving on the front lines in Afghanistan -- and has been since December. Stop the presses!

Now, putting aside the fact that I don't care whether or not Prince Harry serves in the military or not -- or who he's dating, or what he's wearing, or where he's clubbing -- I am extremely impressed by the British government being able to keep this a secret from the world for so long. I don't know whether they were able to keep the world media in check, or if they were simply able to not let the information leak for two months, but well done. Also, I am impressed at the fact that the world media was unable to find the Prince of England for two months...but it's not the kind of impression that they should be shooting for.

And finally, I would like to point out that when faced with the option of keeping their mouths shut or announcing to the world Prince Harry's presence (which put British troops in additional danger), they chose to dominate the news with boarderline gossip. And now he has to be pulled out of Afghanistan so as to lessen the danger to his fellow soldiers.

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