Friday, February 1, 2008

Hell Freezes Over

The Republican debate on Wednesday and the Democratic debate last night seem to have had an effect on at least one person: conservative Ann Coulter. She has come out and stated that if John McCain wins the Republican nomination, and is running against Hillary Clinton, she would not only be willing to vote for Clinton, but to campaign for her, as well. Wow. She states her reasoning behind this decision is that she thinks Clinton is not only more conservative than McCain, but that she would also be better at handling the "war on terror."

You will have to forgive me for not taking Coulter at her word -- I have, in the past, listened to her, so I have little respect or belief for what comes out of her mouth. Therefore, I see her objective as being one of two things:

1) She truly does not want McCain to get the nomination, and is going along with a growing number of frustrated Republicans who claim that he is not conservative enough.


2) She sees Barack Obama as a more easily surmountable candidate, and hopes that her endorsement of Clinton will turn some of her more liberal supporters towards Obama, allowing him to win the Democratic nomination, only to then lose the general election.

You may think that my two-faced interpretation of Coulter is too cynical. I think it's due caution.

Not that anyone involved in politics has ever had an ulterior motive.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Number two is correct and given her massive negative ratings her statement also HELPS McCain. And I guess she' a he, because she(or rather he) doesn't approve of women voting.