Wednesday, January 2, 2008

.27% Of A Year

The eve of the 2008 presidential primary season has got me thinking of the U.S. election system as a whole. According to, 121,480,019 votes were cast in the 2004 presidential election. That's pathetic. The United States has a population over 300 million, but less than 40% voted in the 2004 general election. According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census, as of 2005, over 72% of the population is of voting age -- a difference of over 32%. Again, I say: that's pathetic.

The United States needs to establish the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November as a National Voting Holiday. Suffrage is such an important feature of our political system that the government should do everything in it's power to encourage every single person eligible to vote to do so. "No matter who you vote for, just make sure you vote." Yes, I'm sure I've heard that somewhere before.

One of the problems, however, comes from those already in office. Incumbents, by and large, benefit from depressed voter turnout, and they would rather not make it easier for the other 32% of the population to voice their opinion if it doesn't coincide with their re-election. And since the current lawmakers are the ones who make the laws, I wouldn't hold my breath if I were you.

In the end, this country is long overdue for a National Voting Holiday. And all is said and done, what's one more national holiday? It's only about .27% of a year. Or maybe, as some have suggested, a National Voting Holiday should be combined with Veteran's Day. What better way to honor those who fight for our freedom?


Dan said...

Obama and Huckabee.

And I thought it was going to be Clinton and Romney.

And talk about the "energy deficit." 230,000 Democrats came out for the caucus... over half the number of those who turned out for the Republicans.

Anonymous said...

The solution to the american apathy towards voting is a mandatory voting law with a fine for not voting. The fines could be used to fund the campaigns and the whole system would straighten up. I know that's too intelligent for any "concervative" (Jack's spelling) to support. So until we stop poisoning our youth with petro-chemicals and start educating all americans properly, (no more parochial talibanism)it's just an idealistic dream. I heard 212,000 total before I crashed. I'm glad the number exceeded that estimate. Thank you under 25's for coming out and kicking ass!

Anonymous said...

I heard 350,000 showed up on Bill Moyer's last night. That brings the democratic number up to 260,000! Nearly three times the number of republicans in a republican state!

Dave Harnett said...

Never mind mandates, fines or holidays.

Dip your finger in ink at the polling place.

Anyone who falsely inks their finger to
appear as though they voted never gets
to vote again. Never again.

If not voting is grounds for public shame,
voter apathy will correct itself.

People who vote absentee by mail are
left as an exercise for the reader.

Anonymous said...

I don't think public shame works anymore. Just look at all those people that shamefully vote republican. The religious right has absolved them of any conscience. They lie,cheat,and steal everyday of their lives while proclaiming their supposed virtues. Republicans have become a sub-human cult of the lowest possible denominator. If you watched the debates last night,it was abundantly clear.