Sunday, January 6, 2008

.27% Of A Year: Reaction

At 5:50PM on January 4, 2008, anonymous wrote:

The solution to the american apathy towards voting is a mandatory voting law with a fine for not voting. The fines could be used to fund the campaigns and the whole system would straighten up.

Anonymous, you may be right in your thinking that only a law that punishes those who don't vote will bring more participation. However, I don't think that we should have one. As much as you may not like it, people should have just as much of a right to not vote, as they have to vote. Also, who would enforce this law?

At 11:42PM on January 5, 2008, hydeparkny wrote:

Never mind mandates, fines or holidays. Dip your finger in ink at the polling place. Anyone who falsely inks their finger to appear as though they voted never gets to vote again. Never again. If not voting is grounds for public shame, voter apathy will correct itself.

Hydeparkny, should people required to dip their fingers in ink when they vote? What if they don't want to? I would refer to my statement above that everyone should have the right to not vote. And the government, state or federal, should not be looking to shame or entice negative reactions toward people who don't vote.


Anonymous said...

The way to accomplish this is by billing all eligible voters first and then excusing their fine when they show up. They could also send in an absentee ballot blank if they chose not to vote. Other countries do this and they don't have any problems. Selective service has no "opt out" and the IRS doesn't either. You could be pressed into service and sent to Iraq on a day's notice. Wouldn't you rather vote? A ten or fifteen dollar fine is nothing to accomplish publicly financed campaigns and stellar turnout.

Anonymous said...

Those who show up are few. You think it's decidedly so? I think you're out of tune on this. Democracy has to be defended against apathy. The "slacker" attitude is one of subservience and ambiguity. It might be that your view is somewhat damaged by a catholic upbringing. As citizens we are charged with a responsibility to uphold our democracy. The right to be "sheeple" is reserved for those unable. Failing your nation by blind faith and laziness is an abdication of your duties. That kind of careless behavior could land you in Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Hey if anybody has any doubt that the republican field(with the exception of Ron Paul)is coming from the lunatic fringe,the ABC debate that aired last night and is running again tonight on CNN is proof. This debate will go down in history for the way it is marginalizing the red party. What kind of whacko could possibly support these looneys?