Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Local Meets National

In case you missed it, the top headline in yesterday's Poughkeepsie Journal was about the resignation of Dutchess County Republican Committee Chairwoman Corinne Weber (read about it here). It turns out that Weber received one of the many, many false, nasty e-mails about Senator Barack Obama, and she did what any intelligent person would do...she "accidentally" forwarded it to over 24 of her GOP colleagues. Yikes.

Now, let's set aside the fact that I don't quite understand how you can accidentally send an e-mail to over 24 people (was she sleepwalking, or something?), and I would like to try to make a broader point.

Gov. Sarah Palin has been on the receiving end of some extremely terrible slanders since being named Sen. John McCain's vice-presidential running mate. And when McCain/Palin-supporters hear these, they nearly have a nuclear meltdown. But the truth is that throughout this campaign, Barack Obama has been the victim of the most disgusting, despicable accusations. About his faith. About his ethnicity. About his patriotism. About his family. And conservative bloggers and commentators never seem to mention the attacks on Obama. This includes local conservative commentators and bloggers who remain silent, even when it makes serious local news -- they either don't know, or they don't care. But we're not talking about some "right-wing nut-job," here. We're talking about the Dutchess Country Republican Committee Chairwoman. So, they must know, right?

You know what I do when I receive a slanderous e-mail? I delete it.

What a novel idea.


Anonymous said...

Is it lonely up their on your pedestal?

Steve Schultz said...

I really just had to laugh at that.