Friday, October 3, 2008

The VP Debate

She kept her head above the water. That's the story. She didn't crumble to pieces. She did much better than expected. Gov. Palin did not implode, and in fact her performance was far from that.

But in the end, I believe that Sen. Biden was the -- I don't want to say "winner" -- more successful of the two debaters, and here's why:

Biden's job last night was to link Sen. McCain and President Bush at the hip, almost like they are the same person, and he stuck to that message. In almost every answer, on also most every issue, Biden painted McCain as "Bush 44," relentlessly putting their two names together.

Palin's job, on the other hand, was to pull herself out of the hole that she dug herself into over the past few weeks. She had to try to convince the American people that she is not as uninformed and incoherent about the issues that she has been asked about, and I think that she did a very good job at that assignment. But I don't think that she was as effective in painting Sen. Obama as Biden was painting McCain, which was really the larger objective.

And has posted their fact-checks for last night's debate -- read them here.

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