Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A Larger Issue

I am disgusted. Why? Because once again congressional Democrats have shown that they lack any semblance of a spine. A bunch of bumfuzzled buffoons. Or am I just talking about Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid?

Of course I'm writing in reference to the Roland Burris situation. Sen. Reid specifically came out and said nationally that Burris would not be seated, but what does he do soon after? He gives in. The senate majority leader went toe-to-toe with the embattled governor of Illinois and backed down without a fight. Pathetic.

Now, setting aside whether or not seating Roland Burris is the best political step, the whole situation highlights a larger issue: why aren't we out of Iraq? Why has the Democrat-controlled congress not passed more/any significant legislation on healthcare, education, or infrastructure? Why did the past 2 years see a congress with approval rating lower than President Bush? Because the leadership is inept.

Yesterday on CNN, Jack Cafferty asked viewers: why did Sens. Harry Reid and Dick Durbin cave on the issue of seating Roland Burris? One viewers response: "Habit." I couldn't agree more.

I'm just happy Harry Reid has never appeared on a New York ballot.

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