Friday, January 23, 2009


Obviously, it goes without saying that Tuesday, January 20, 2009, was a historic day for the United States of America. Whether you voted for President Obama or not, it is hard to dismiss the significance of his inauguration as our 44th president. However, I want to caution everyone to not put more weight than is deserved on this event.

In a recent poll, a majority of African-Americans surveyed stated that they thought the inauguration of President Obama was the realization of Dr. King's dream. I disagree. I think that it is a huge step forward toward the realization of the dream, but King's ultimate dream was not the acquiring of power by minorities, but rather that skin color would no long matter. And unfortunately, just because we have an African-American president does not mean that all Americans no longer see each other in colors. But this is huge progress.

So, President Obama definitely has his plate full, with problems both real and symbolic. But I'm excited, and I've never been more hopeful for the future of our country. This is the first time in my life that I have been aware and conscious of the beginning of a new presidency. Couple that with the fact that I (along with many others my age) feel a certain connection with President Obama, and in a way I feel like I am taking this presidential journey with him. It may sound melodramatic or absurd, but I feel like I'm involved, even though I'm not part of the administration.

It has been said that campaigns are about promises and governing is about achievement. Let's get to work.

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