Monday, August 25, 2008


Now, I don't mean to be a downer or anything, but the choice of Joe Biden as Barack Obama's running mate does not infuse me with enthusiasm. To be honest, I don't know that Obama could have chosen anyone that would have gotten me excited. The majority of mentioned possible candidates are all politicians that I'm not very familiar with, and the choice of Hillary Clinton would have been a reluctant partnership at best. But the choice of Joe Biden almost makes me scratch my head and say, "O....K?"

Is Joe Biden an experienced and remarkable public servant? Yes. Does he add "stability" to the ticket? Yes. Is he a well-known and respected leader in the world community? Yes. Does the have the possibility of helping out in key contested states? Yes. Does he have bad hair? Yes. So far he sounds like the perfect candidate. But unfortunately, there is nothing exciting about Joe Biden.

When I saw the clip of Joe Biden running out after being introduced at the rally in Illinois, I could just imagine him thinking: Haha -- I didn't even make it to the second contest, and here I am the Vice-Presidential nominee. Go me. Now, gotta look young, gotta look energetic -- suck in the gut and don't say anything stupid.

Biden is Obama's LBJ -- the older, more seasoned politician expected to help in specific ways...just not as vindictive. But it doesn't matter anyway, because no one votes for Vice-President.

Sorry, Joe.

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