Monday, March 24, 2008

Party Before Country

In one of the many Republican presidential debates that took place in 2007, there was one in which the question was posed: Will you support the eventual Republican presidential nominee, no matter who it is? Each of the candidates answered "yes," with the exception of Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX). Mr. Paul made it clear that he would not show blind loyalty to the Republican nominee simply because they are of the same party. Talk about refreshing.

Conversely, the rest of the candidates could not stand the positions that Paul was taking, and so when they answered "yes," they were either lying, or prepared to commit the act that many politicians do: putting party before country. There is nothing worse than putting your substantive differences in opinion aside in order to support someone simply because he or she is a member of your party. There are few things more reprehensible in politics than becoming a sheep to a political party.

Recently, Congressman Paul came out and stated that he will not be supporting Sen. John McCain in the upcoming general election, due to their disagreements on several key issues, including the war in Iraq. A politician who does what he feels is best for the country and not what is best for his party? Very refreshing.

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